This year Mr Greene’s P6 pupils are working really hard and improving every day. They are working on new spellings, grammar and punctuation in literacy as well as reading new guided and Accelerated reading books each week. This term the children have started their new class novel, “Danny the Champion of the World.” The kids are already enjoying this classic and have show great knowledge of the characters.
In Numeracy they will be continuing to use all four functions in more detail as well as taking part in outdoor learning lessons. Pupils have been working really hard using their mental maths skills and have become a lot more confident in explaining their answers. This term, the boys and girls are learning all about Ancient Greece. They have already discovered lots of facts on Greece. They are really enjoying learning about Ancient Athens and Sparta and are fascinated with how people lived back then. More great work to come!
Throughout the year, during topic work, the P6's will also have a chance to participate in some really exciting and interesting scientific enquiries.
Primary 6 will continue to participate in The Shared Education Project with Milburn PS. They will be collaborating and enjoying a wide range of activities related to Science, Technology, Mathematics, Literacy and PDMU.
The After Schools Programme is back in full flow and a wide range of groups and activities are being made available to the pupils. Hobbies also continue to take place every Friday, all the children are participating well.
That’s all for now, keep working hard P6!
This year Mr Greene’s P6 pupils are working really hard and improving every day. They are working on new spellings, grammar and punctuation in literacy as well as reading new guided and Accelerated reading books each week. This term the children have started their new class novel, “Danny the Champion of the World.” The kids are already enjoying this classic and have show great knowledge of the characters.
In Numeracy they will be continuing to use all four functions in more detail as well as taking part in outdoor learning lessons. Pupils have been working really hard using their mental maths skills and have become a lot more confident in explaining their answers. This term, the boys and girls are learning all about Ancient Greece. They have already discovered lots of facts on Greece. They are really enjoying learning about Ancient Athens and Sparta and are fascinated with how people lived back then. More great work to come!
Throughout the year, during topic work, the P6's will also have a chance to participate in some really exciting and interesting scientific enquiries.
Primary 6 will continue to participate in The Shared Education Project with Milburn PS. They will be collaborating and enjoying a wide range of activities related to Science, Technology, Mathematics, Literacy and PDMU.
The After Schools Programme is back in full flow and a wide range of groups and activities are being made available to the pupils. Hobbies also continue to take place every Friday, all the children are participating well.
That’s all for now, keep working hard P6!